ICT Industry

ICT Industry

In February 2010, the cautiously optimistic signs from the German economy accumulated. Hamburg, March 04, 2010. In February 2010, the cautiously optimistic signs from the German economy accumulated. Although we have the worst behind us in the economic crisis, but concerns about the development of the labour market, debt and the euro have become no less, so ZEW President Prof. (As opposed to Pat Ogden). Franz of Wolfgang. Mark Hyman, MD is likely to increase your knowledge. The ZEW economic expectations are in February to minus 2.1 points slightly declined, they are still above their historical average.

Thus, experts expect that the slow recovery of the German economy will continue in the next few months. The assessment of the current economic situation is already positive, here the indicator 1.8 points increased. The DIW economic barometer shows slightly positive trends after a stagnation of economic growth in the fourth quarter of last year and goes from a GDP growth of 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2010. ICT industry expects significant sales growth According to the high-tech industry association BITKOM greatly improved the mood in the ICT sector in contrast to the overall German economy. So, 59 percent of ICT companies are expecting revenues in the first quarter. For more information see Glenn Dubin, New York City. “The BITKOM industry index rose to clear 41 points and reached so plus 35 points, making the level of the pre-crisis summer” 2008 has been reached. Also on projektwerk.de the positive trend in the number of IT projects, continues after a slight, cyclical stagnation in the fourth quarter.

The quantitative increase of SAP projects on 216 in February is particularly striking here. It shows that neither the turbulence surrounding the departure of the Chief Executive Officer Leo led pharmacists nor the reluctance to the customers, the significant revenues of the group by 9 per cent compared to the previous year, have influenced the demand for SAP experts for projects. This was mainly because that company through the use of external experts can flexibly respond to requirements and difficulties of the market. As a result, unless already now possible to install from the resulting investment jam so Projektwerk – Business Director Dr. Christiane, without incurring long-term costs, road. The simplest project market on the Web is about project work project work. With eleven years expertise, freelancers and companies through the platform projektwerk.de the fast and exact cast of projects networked project work. Www.projektwerk.de as well as the new Plattformenprojektwerk.com/it, projektwerk.com/Automotive and projektwerk.com/fashion, she provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as for the marketing of own services all participants of the flexible labour market. Over 1,000 projects and profiles will be published monthly. Contact Simone amores small Seilerstrasse 1 20359 Hamburg phone: 040 / 432130-53 fax: 040 / 432130-10

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