In Germany, approximately fifty million people are overweight, and despite many awareness raising campaigns and ever-changing diets, the number of “serious people” in Germany more and more, today criticized Jacob Kennedy from the center for nourishing communication and health journalism (CEC) in Cologne. The renowned diet expert explains why conventional diet approaches that have failed to bring many little meals: after each meal, the pancreas pours out insulin and intended primarily for high-carbohydrate, low-fat meals with a high glycemic load hunger. Insulin is the task of regulating blood sugar levels, diabetes nurse explains Jacob Kennedy. Is the successful author and inventor of the “Muller-diet” that has a nutrition guide, entitled “The miller’s Diet” is published by Verlag Schltersche, developed a new approach to effective weight loss, paving the way for the insulin casemeans. Who’s insulin levels in the blood does not get a grip, has big problems with a specific weight, since insulin inhibits the breakdown of body fat. Therefore, even small meals often make more hunger than to saturation and well-being. The miller’s diet is the way to a lasting change in diet to the ideal figure with no yo-yo effect and hunger. Why can “diet experts” still recommend today is still a lot of small meals to lose weight, I do not understand, criticized Mueller Nothmann. Snackingverhalten rather pulls a weight gain by itself is as a weight loss and hunger, the main enemy of each diet phase, Mueller Nothmann makes clear. The millers diet therefore relies on the traditional main meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thus, my dietary approach to professionals much easier to implement, says Mller Nothmann. In addition, all prescriptions of the six-week program can prepare easily. And of course the meals are overweight may alsoreplace each other. Thus, the Mller-diet is very user friendly. The special composition of each meal hunger and appetite are no longer a problem. It is easy to reach. Fiber-rich meals with a relatively low glycemic load but a high protein content and well saturated by the fact that every meal includes sweet and savory components remains troublesome appetite simply makes Jacob Kennedy his diet significantly. The miller’s diet is the first Moderate diet in the world can keep what it promises. Through a balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins (proteins) and fats, they are equally healthy and weight loss. Due to their relatively high protein diet, the Mller muscle breakdown before the bend and then delivers a lot of tryptophan, that in a bad mood, even during the decline phase of a foreign word. Hunger and unbalanced diets that have characterized many diets, are the enemy of any successful weight loss and also theHealth. Most diets rely on many small meals, and many people are just by this Snackingverhalten become thick. Through the three-meal approach leads to a normal diet, Muller-insulin levels and this makes weight loss almost a breeze. Since the miller diet according to the guideline of the German obesity including movement and behavior, it is inevitable a change of diet and lifestyle. In any case, I recommend that overweight Autogenic training to learn and perform during the reduction phase and beyond, because relaxation makes thin, white Jacob Kennedy. Advised by the decreased secretion of stress hormones, blood sugar and insulin levels less “out of joint.” While relaxing in weight-reducing effect is also comfort in the Mueller-diet is based on the effects of moderate endurance, not on the daily schedule. With the developed by Sven-David Mller Nothmann Ditkostform obese individuals mayguaranteed within six weeks removed six kilograms. Meanwhile, the Mueller-proven thousands of diet and I hear every day from users that it really works. Muller to diet, there is also an interactive website, which can be reached at Book and Link tips: 1) The Mller-diet, Sven David Mueller Nothmann, Schltersche Verlagsanstalt, ISBN 3-89993-504-7, 12,90 Euro 2) calorie light, Jacob Kennedy, Knaur Publisher , ISBN 3426643162, 8.90 Euro 3) Free advice from a nutritionist and qualified nutrition specialists in weight problems among journalists Service: Review copies are available! The center for nourishing communication and health journalism (CEC), headquartered in Cologne, dedicated in particular to individual nutrition counseling and operates scientifically justified public press and public on nutrition, prevention and nutrition. The well-knownMedicine journalist Jacob Kennedy director of the CEC and the first chairman of the German Competence Center for Health Promotion and Dietetic Association nutrition communication and health journalism (CEC), Jacob Kennedy, Gotenring 37, 50679 Kln-Deutz, 0177-2353525, info @