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Month: December 2013

The Article

The Article

As I said, the unconscious is a powerful helper, if you install negative information, it will give you guidelines to make mistake and suffer, but if you provide you relevant data, he will find that your life is satisfactory in all respects. That’s the power of visualization! When you visualize, install information to your unconscious to him, helped all the information you already have your brain (and some other will be getting), look for the fastest path to achieving your goals. Why it is necessary that you formules petitioned the clear enough, with her will notice you a point home to your unconscious, so look for how to achieve what you want. Doing so is very easy, you only need to use mechanisms that already has your mind. One of them is relaxation, why?, simple: for when you’re relaxed, estimulas your brain’s alpha waves, which are responsible for viewing and accelerated learning. If you relax and visualize your unconscious will use that information to your benefit. If you’ve read any stories of a genius grant from you, you know that the person applying them should think much before elaborating them, since these may not be appropriate, i.e., must request them when it is relaxed, never depressed or sad, since only ask absurd things, wasting such opportunity.

This also works with the genius you have integrated into your brain, called unconscious. Then first you must relax, when you do, you can begin to imagine how you want to be and be. The second important point of view is to determine the to what is useful to you. Man has evolved on the premise if it is useful to me, I take it, if I is useless I reject it, thanks to her we improve our society, move towards the future. That is why it is important that what you want, be perceived as useful by your unconscious, but by survival strategy, discards it. There are many people who assume that money away them from his family, then, obviously, his unconscious rejects him, although they are displayed with money, will not get it because their supposed to block it. Others, the millions, worship money, love it and enjoy it, why your unconscious knows that you must show them how to get it. Always do an emphasis that you must reprogram your mind, making a side old programming about money and installing new suggestions concerning him, that is It should this urgency on my part.

A third step so the display have the impact you want, is to integrate your five senses to the exercise of the imagination. The brain learns through them and the unconscious is also worth of these. When images, do it using the five senses, i.e., don’t settle with see what you want, but smells, feel, hear and taste what you want. This will cause that your unconscious attempt to imitate that experience (remember that the brain learns by imitation). If you want to get x amount of money, performs a mental film about it, imagine counting banknotes, smell them, savoring the feeling of triumph, a wealthy and successful person you feel, hear how others you admire. Use the five senses to visualize, is the best strategy to obtain everything that you want. You can send me your comments to my email: will always receive a response.

Caring for Your Pet

Caring for Your Pet

Today more and more owners of cats and dogs, being able to take care of the exterior of your pets, use a regular grooming. Grooming, in essence, is a hygienic care of animals including brushing teeth, ears, cut nails and a professional haircut, as a simple, hygienic, and exhibition. Specialists engaged in grooming, will give competent advice on caring for wool and leather pet recommend beauty products and professional tools for the daily care of animals. One such highly effective tool, designed by professional Grumer – furminatorom, a device for trimming and grooming dogs and cats. At first glance, may seem as if furminatorom is an ordinary comb, fitted with thick rubber handle.

However, it is not. In contrast to many other combs and brushes, furminatorom possesses a number of advantages: it reduces the molting cats and dogs up to 90% No damage guard hairs; Prevents tangles, gently lifeless undercoat, not damaging the hair, is effective for most longhaired and shorthaired breeds. Furminatorom secret – in an absolutely unique design of a special comb. With its help, and remove dead undercoat four-legged pet, without damaging the guard hairs and skin. Furminatorom ideal for preventing the onset of long-haired breeds, the so-called tangles, because the greater the amount of undercoat comb out, the less likelihood of tangles. In addition, furminatorom evenly distributes the fat component of animal wool combing, giving thus the gloss coat and making it more healthy and soft. Furminatorom perfectly suited for long-haired, and short-haired breeds. Furminatorom – effective and extremely easy to use tool.

In its application should observe a few simple Rules: Wool animal must be clean and dry. For best results, use furminatorom immediately after washing and drying the animal. When using furminatorom necessary place the animal in the area that is available for harvesting, since the process of using this tool is accompanied by removing the large mass of hair. Furminatorom cloves should be placed in the direction of hair growth animal and slowly and gently lead furminatorom during the growth of animal fur. Combing should be performed repeatedly, avoiding excessive blows to the animal's skin and uneven jerks. It is worth adding that for convenience use Furminators available in several sizes: small (4.5 cm), medium (6.8 cm), large (10.16 cm). Furminatorom, saving you time, saves the health of wool and animal skin, improves its appearance. Now you get the opportunity to spend more time with your pet, forgetting the "ubiquitous" wool. Start using furminatorom today and tomorrow you will see how much less it will be on your couch clothing, the floor carpet in the car. Studies confirm that the loss of dead hair from your pet, be reduced by 90%! All the wool will remain on furminatorom and not on the clothes and the couch! With careful use furminatorom will serve you for life, while maintaining their remarkable properties.

Take Advantage Of The Failure And Triumph

Take Advantage Of The Failure And Triumph

According to some views, the failure does not exist. Because a person fails only if you stop trying to win. It is a suggestive idea though it is not very reasonable. Human behavior is always composed of attempts. And behind every attempt there, either a triumph or a flop. This is perfectly clear. No attempt is without consequences. When you try to earn some money: you get it or fracasas.

When you try to convince someone of your point of view: or get it or not. And so it is with all things. Doesn’t make much sense deny the consequences of our actions. Forget also that it is crucial to recognize clearly if it was successful or not. You must not walk with ambiguities. Because the conduct to be followed after the attempt depends on whether it is was a success or a nonsense. Not you must tener be you fear to failures because they are an inseparable part of everything we do.

If we have a fiasco because it should recognize clearly. If not, there is no way to do something by amend the error. After all, if we deny having failed to why would learn or do something different? Why say yes to failures, they are those who tell us where not to seek the triumph. And therefore; They point us to where if we can find it. The failures are not a disappointing or sad event that we should hide embarrassed. Otherwise, is the measure of how much difficulty facing our projects. And that will give the measure also of much merit will represent the success when you reach it. Failures don’t do another thing that accelerate the triumph. Because you learn so much more of them than of success. One can even be successful by chance and not realize anything. But if he fails, auque also by chance, always stops to analyze the causes. And that is why sometimes makes important discoveries that catapulted their actions towards victory. Never miss the opportunity of failure. When you falles recognizes that you’ve done. And he begins to learn from your mistakes, not ignore them or disregard them. Because maybe you don’t have such a good time to give you account vital details. But above all, take advantage of the opportunities that gives you the failure. All frustrated plan brings about new opportunities. Find them and use them to convert your setbacks into victories.