Harvard Business School Kim
Personnel development concepts from the last century let companies look old network effects change the working world Munich/wetter an der Ruhr – most German companies exude the charm of the 1950s, when it comes to working structures. “Highly qualified professionals can no longer keep them in the future: with the common concepts, companies can win more no flower pot, and certainly no top candidates, as Uwe of Zakirjon, head of the company hunting heads international” in wetter an der Ruhr. ” The company should first do their homework and create modern jobs, but almost all think that starts with the content and stop there again so Zakirjon opposite NeueNachricht. So, the CIO Magazine reports that at least 90 per cent of the labour market still on family life and the pace of life in the first half of the 20th century were aimed. A concept of the consulting firm Deloitte to carry the company well into the 21st century: at every stage of the Working life workload, working time, work location and the position of the employee are connected with the pace of the career. Career planning individualized in their book”(campus Verlag) summarize the Deloitte consultants Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg: resembles a sine wave, a wave of rising and falling stages career development in a knowledge-based economy. Six social trends make it out as a cause.
The declining number of qualified employees, changing family structures, more female workers and other expectations of the men. Also played a role in the generation of the Internet and information technology. The younger generation have a greater understanding of technology and accelerate the transformation of working life: from home to work, during the week to make blue and this Saturday to go to the Office, to send – that private E-Mails in time become a matter of course. Hierarchy and status lose importance. Children are planned, it is also for the boys important not only to see them Sunday. As the outcome of this development, the consultants quote the former Dean of the Harvard Business School Kim B. Clark. He urges companies to change, that they remain active and loyal connected talented employees.
Here is an example: Gary 27 is unmarried, and has an MBA degree, as he is his first job as an Assistant product manager. In the first three years, the young man on the tube presses: speed, workload and working time he pulls out all stops, while his position and responsibility is not pronounced. A few years later Gary Vater and scale back speed and workload. Still later, when the children are old enough for school, he boots up his career again. Now the level upward in the field position and responsibility. The job has to adjust also the living conditions. It manages the company together with the staff to find flexible solutions, whose competence and experience in the House remain. The tangible and intangible loss by Fluctuations is reduced. You can no longer boast highly qualified managers the old industrial-capitalist mindset. The traditional concepts of Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford are in the mothballs”, confirms Uwe Zirbes. The network effects of the Internet, mobile communications and the intelligence of the many in the Web 2.0 would not stop even before the world of work. Fixed working hours, departmental boundaries, limited skills, command and obedience, controlling figures fetishism, meeting terror and the preservation of knowledge belong to the past”, says Zakirjon. Who don’t get it in top management, losing the competition for the best brains.