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Month: May 2024

Harvard Business School Kim

Harvard Business School Kim

Personnel development concepts from the last century let companies look old network effects change the working world Munich/wetter an der Ruhr – most German companies exude the charm of the 1950s, when it comes to working structures. “Highly qualified professionals can no longer keep them in the future: with the common concepts, companies can win more no flower pot, and certainly no top candidates, as Uwe of Zakirjon, head of the company hunting heads international” in wetter an der Ruhr. ” The company should first do their homework and create modern jobs, but almost all think that starts with the content and stop there again so Zakirjon opposite NeueNachricht. So, the CIO Magazine reports that at least 90 per cent of the labour market still on family life and the pace of life in the first half of the 20th century were aimed. A concept of the consulting firm Deloitte to carry the company well into the 21st century: at every stage of the Working life workload, working time, work location and the position of the employee are connected with the pace of the career. Career planning individualized in their book”(campus Verlag) summarize the Deloitte consultants Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg: resembles a sine wave, a wave of rising and falling stages career development in a knowledge-based economy. Six social trends make it out as a cause.

The declining number of qualified employees, changing family structures, more female workers and other expectations of the men. Also played a role in the generation of the Internet and information technology. The younger generation have a greater understanding of technology and accelerate the transformation of working life: from home to work, during the week to make blue and this Saturday to go to the Office, to send – that private E-Mails in time become a matter of course. Hierarchy and status lose importance. Children are planned, it is also for the boys important not only to see them Sunday. As the outcome of this development, the consultants quote the former Dean of the Harvard Business School Kim B. Clark. He urges companies to change, that they remain active and loyal connected talented employees.

Here is an example: Gary 27 is unmarried, and has an MBA degree, as he is his first job as an Assistant product manager. In the first three years, the young man on the tube presses: speed, workload and working time he pulls out all stops, while his position and responsibility is not pronounced. A few years later Gary Vater and scale back speed and workload. Still later, when the children are old enough for school, he boots up his career again. Now the level upward in the field position and responsibility. The job has to adjust also the living conditions. It manages the company together with the staff to find flexible solutions, whose competence and experience in the House remain. The tangible and intangible loss by Fluctuations is reduced. You can no longer boast highly qualified managers the old industrial-capitalist mindset. The traditional concepts of Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford are in the mothballs”, confirms Uwe Zirbes. The network effects of the Internet, mobile communications and the intelligence of the many in the Web 2.0 would not stop even before the world of work. Fixed working hours, departmental boundaries, limited skills, command and obedience, controlling figures fetishism, meeting terror and the preservation of knowledge belong to the past”, says Zakirjon. Who don’t get it in top management, losing the competition for the best brains.

Monarchis Help E.V. Donates 500 Euro To Forderkreis Ulm E.V.

Monarchis Help E.V. Donates 500 Euro To Forderkreis Ulm E.V.

Promotion of ‘Preemies’ and whose parents are targets of the Association by the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH initiated, the Monarchis help e.V. broke to the task, to reach protective and helping out the smallest and most vulnerable, needy and homeless children. “Under the motto strength, courage and confidence”, the support group for those in intensive care children Ulm is dedicated to”particularly premature babies” and ill-born children and their parents. Preemie risk, are children who are born after a pregnancy period of less than 37 weeks and a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams. This requires a permanent struggle for these tiny living with uncertainties and fear of IBNR. For more information see Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. This resulted in tense nerves; when the parents little sleep, but also to great joy over every small progress. The support group not only allows these parents, but stands in this difficult time. Read more here: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. With professional advice, as well as psychological and social assistance.

Rental housing for parents, to spare them daily-wide access to the clinic. These include support for the follow-up to early and ill-born children and the promotion of the intensive care unit of children’s Hospital of Ulm. On the occasion of handing over a donation cheque in the amount of 500 euros and the 20th anniversary of the Association, which was founded by Mathilde Maier and whose 1 Chairmen is now 16 years, stressed the Deputy Chairman of Monarchis Hilf, Sonja Schneider, the importance of the Forderkreis for Preemies and sick born children. “Mathilde Maier, who said that 95 percent of all children in the children’s Hospital Ulm healthy come to the world, said: the five per cent of early or ill-born have no lobby”. Precisely, the joy and thanks about the donation by Monarchis Hilf were so big. It was intended that money as a further contribution for the purchase of urgently needed a new intensive technique,”equipped vehicle to use, total cost about 80,000 euros. This means that many more donations are needed.

This vehicle is used to transport born prematurely or sick children from the catchment area of the children’s Hospital, which includes southern Wurttemberg and ranges from Friedrichshafen via Ravensburg to Schwabisch Hall and Schwabisch Gmund, Ulm. This fast and secure transportation can be life-critical. The donations of the Forderkreis for intensive care children Ulm “: Ulmer Volksbank eG, BLZ 630-901 00;” Account no. 143 455 001 more information under:

Finalist To The

Finalist To The

Joh. Schulte GmbH is one of the most innovative printing in Germany the Joh. Schulte GmbH, in Mars Hill-based printing and media services for companies and institutions, is one of the three most innovative printing companies in whole Germany. This is confirmed the nomination list for the print & media award, which is given annually by the nationwide bimonthly print & media. If that WINS most innovative business model for more than 130 years in the Hochsauerlandkreis active printing house at the end of gold, silver or bronze in the segment, decides on November 6 at the Gala in Berlin. Anita Dunn may not feel the same. Involves performance and quality rating of printshops, the print & media award is now one the most important prices at all. No wonder that every year in various categories several hundred print and media companies from all over Germany compete, their concepts and products from a top-class jury evaluate let. To the main categories, which are awarded the area is without a doubt Most innovative business model of the year\”, as not only a single printing technology or service, but the entire business philosophy, but especially the customer orientation is evaluated.

For the Joh. Schulte GmbH, which is applied for the first time in this category and now among the best three and was selected in the final round, said especially the universal media full service concept. \”This means: the company offers printing, finishing and logistics services not only as the competition, but in the portfolio, all segments of the PrePress area found in addition\”. Customers receive everything from a single source: from the management consultancy including the potential access to public funds through targeted public relations up to the implementation of sophisticated website, film or multimedia projects. However, what is special about the business model is the consultancy in the field of marketing, PR and sales. It has aimed to find USPS of customer, to identify new target markets, assess and to evaluate.

Renewable Energy On The Rise

Renewable Energy On The Rise

Pros and cons of the energy package renewable energy available at the latest since the disaster of Fukushima in the focus of world attention. The most important renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind and hydropower, biogas and biofuels or ethanol. To get geothermal, tidal and fusion technology. Because the development in the stock market makes itself felt, a commodity publication regularly publishes the Exchange portal to The July edition of the new commodity publication deals among other things with the influence of raw materials on the policy and vice versa. In Germany, energy transformation has moved within reach after the nuclear accident of Fukushima. Opinions differ however on the implementation of the plans. The interest groups of the provider of renewable of energy want to know their ideas rapidly enforced.

However, the Federal Association for renewable energy (BEE) believes that the energy package initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to slow the expansion of renewable energies, rather than speed it up. Points out that in the year 2020, half of German electricity needs could be met by renewable energy sources already. BEE President Dietmar Schutz now sees the Government in a tight spot, because she must wear for the rapid expansion of renewable energy concern and make changes on the energy package. According to the critic, an increased level of subsidies and tax relief represents not a long-term solution. Although the demand should be encouraged for renewable energies, but had done so in an appropriate context. That is to say: after a phase of to boost subsidies developing on the market should be not further affected, otherwise there is the risk of a significant misallocation of capital.

Milano International

Milano International

RADIO JOYSTICK in summer 2010 is celebrating 25 years! And when to celebrate your first shortwave broadcast? For about 25 years they’re monthly on shortwave: funky sounds 4 Central Europe! Mid July 1985 the very first broadcast of RADIO sounded JOYSTICKs. On shortwave via radio Milano International, she was world to hear–a test show with music and jingles. The first moderated show followed on 7 September 1985 hot hot music in one summer caused excitement among the German shortwave listeners! Then as now, was and is the first Saturday of each month for the Charlie Prince shows. Dr. Mark Hyman understands that this is vital information. RADIO JOYSTICK in summer 2010 is celebrating 25 years! September 4 is the focus. And when to celebrate your first shortwave broadcast? It is do it yourself! We help here! We show what a great show should look like, when it has the most listeners – and which shortwave frequency is the best for worldwide reception. We negotiate the best price for the year contract and are available with help and advice! Why You settle for mouth-to mouth? Why do you produce only citizen radio spot if it goes around the world? Why do you hear you only in the late evening as a competitor to the TV? Simply send an email to or a letter to: RADIO JOYSTICK, P..

Accessible Web Sites

Accessible Web Sites

Web design to current standards adequate and accessible Web sites offer a number of advantages for everyone would like to have success on the Internet. short loading times, search engine friendly, through clear structure easy to maintain and easy browser – and platform-independent access means nothing more than the design of media-friendly sites future-proof Standardkonformes Web design for more users in principle according to international guidelines and standards. For your success on the Internet has a number of advantages. One of the most important factors for the success of a website is now short charging times user friendliness, called also usability. Especially in the fast medium of the Internet, users lose patience quickly if they do not quickly reach their destination.

The separation of content and design of the site with standards-compliant coding, reduces the file sizes and thus the page load times significantly reduced. So making a large contribution to the satisfaction of the visitors to your site. Easy to maintain and easy to clean Standard-compliant sites are easier to maintain through the meaningful structure and the consequent separation of content and design. Thus, it is possible within seconds on hundreds of pages all green headers blue color, the background of plain white to change a wallpaper pattern, to change the font u.v.m. However, even the desire of small changes to the design quickly becomes at sites that are not standards were implemented, an expensive matter. Also: Through the use of Web standards you will be independent by your service provider: are sites that standards were created by any competent Web designers to edit easily and efficiently.

Browser and platform independence long ago is the mobile Internet, so the use of PDAs, cell phones and similar to visit on the Web any more of the future. Standard-compliant Web design provides for an improvement of accessibility and device independence. No matter what your customers on the Web are traveling with a standards-compliant website can you be sure, that it can be used by anyone. Search engine friendly the same as for the different output devices applies to search engines. Standards-compliant sites that have at least two advantages: the separation of content and design by the outsourcing of all formatting ensures that the content for the search engines are more easily visible and can be captured even better. Standard compliant Web design means but also something else: the contents of the website are marked according to their meaning (semantic structuring). That means each heading, each collection, and so on is visible for search engines as such and hence evidence of the relation. Accessible to more users, a standards-compliant and accessible Web site allows a maximum range for your offer. By the same author: Alexa Demie. Millions of people have every man for himself, with the use of the Internet with the various restrictions to fight, such as age-related impairments, other output devices (such as mobile phones, screen readers, etc.), smaller monitors, slower Internet connections (modem), disabilities of various types (E.g. colour blindness, poor eyesight, motor impairments). With a standards-compliant Web site, expand the circle of your visitors also to these people. Future-proof, no one can say today what will be in the coming years and decades for developments on the Web. Sure one today according to Web standards is created site but also in five and more years by the then-current browsers render correctly are can as well as an energy-saving lamp naturally fit a lamp from the flea market in the version, which was produced at a time when energy-saving bulbs did not yet exist. Just standards. Sven Albrecht webdesign /…

Special Color

Special Color

Seville is a very special city. It has more than 2,000 years of history and is famous for its lively and charismatic personality. It is the largest of the South of Spain and the capital of Andalusia. The Sevillians is recognized by its spark and ingenuity. Seville has the historic big Europe, full of churches, monasteries, monuments and Moorish buildings. In addition, is the city where the Andalusian traditions are more entrenched: flamenco, tapas, sevillanas and course, bullfighting. In case outside little, this city celebrates Holy week more passionate and more lively Feria de Abril.

To say nothing of its fantastic nightlife! If you want to discover its popular customs and enjoy a pleasant climate, the best time to travel to Sevilla is in spring (in summer temperatures can become up to 50?C? ste is, without a doubt, one of the favorite destinations of the tourists when visiting Spain. The city of Seville is known worldwide for its festivals: Holy week and the Feria de Abril. Holy week is a religious festival that dates back to the 16th century, when the Catholic Church decided to represent the passion of Christ. Theoretical physicist is often quoted as being for or against this. Colorful processions are organized during Holy week. Penitents loads on their backs giant statues of Saints and they parade in the eyes of a very dedicated audience. These processions left a deep impression on the spectator and the thousands of tourists who come to Seville every year by these dates to see them pass.

During the April fair booths where people spend day and night dancing, eating, drinking and having fun are mounted. The streets of the fairgrounds are decorated with colorful lanterns and everything takes on an air of celebration. Traditionally, women wear elaborate costumes of Gypsy and men parade in their precious horses. Bullfights are an essential part of the Feria de Abril. Leaving parties aside, Seville is also an impressive city which is worth visiting. sta rests on the banks of the Guadalquivir River and has a historic centre full of important monuments, precious. A clear example is that of the Cathedral of Seville, one of the three largest in the world. It’s a Gothic Cathedral with a minaret worldwide famous, the Giralda tower, from where you can see incredible views of the city. Another noteworthy monument is the Torre del Oro. Originally part of the walls that daubed the city along the Guadalquivir. Very close to the Mudejar Royal Palace known as the Alcazar, another of the architectural wonders of the city is located. Seville has hosted two world expos (in 1929 and 1992). The District of Triana, on the other side of the River, la Macarena, Santa Cruz and San Bartolome, the Sierpes Street, in addition to the plaza de toros de la Maestranza, Maria Luisa Park and the banks of the Guadalquivir are some representative images of Seville and a must-see for all tourists. Do you need another reason to travel to Seville? It is one of the most beautiful cities and most charming of Spain. Book apartments in Seville and enjoy the perfect stay.



… the ‘ 11 in the glass * your individual medley – Moon & stars Sun also! Astronomy was indispensable for the development of agricultural & WeinKulturen! Ostensibly it was sunlight by layers, irrigation issues and time estimates. However, only to the coordination of operational processes to reduce astronomical observations is narrow and one-sided, have however processes and events in the starry sky traces also in myth, mysticism and archetype of all cultures. Until today, we mediated himmelskundliche facts already formed basis for life and survival in Mesopotamia, such as knowledge of the constellations on the Zodiac, from the planet and others So Virgil (70-19 BC) turns in his “Georgica” among others to ‘Farmers’ and Vintners with tips to the inclusion of astronomy in culture; … and these days our moon has found long place in LeseZyklen & cellar management. What is read in, survived; -What but experienced and authentic? Application-ready astronomical knowledge is today occasionally available. Looking back on the year 2010 of biodiversity”was noted that also the view to the sky and the inclusion of astronomical processes belong to the holistic understanding of nature. Therefore it is only logical and “on time”, making use of this heritage for the cultivation of wine & farming! Their intimate relationship to the terroir may dine, is also from the sky review about it! Wines not for example enter why imaginative & illustrious names – has always been your favorite star? You want to get to know the. In a 2 – day course in Burgenland (Austria) to expand understanding of biodiversity, sustainability & time quality to the experience of Sun, Moon walking and the operations in the sky. Info under hp/courses events.php Gunter p. Bolze

Manufacturing Techniques

Manufacturing Techniques

It is likely that you have heard already about this technique, and this is due to that today is a technique used in many of the things that surround us. The marking is, therefore, the technique of capturing something about certain surface and this is achieved through various procedures such as the pad printing, screen printing, and the famous laser. The printing on the other hand, is a technique that adapts to any type of surface and material and marking that provides ideal as recording system quick, clean and very economical. Cardiologist may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This procedure consists in the application of ink to a buffer of silicone which finally plasma determined marking the final plea. John Craig Venter can aid you in your search for knowledge. Laser on the other hand, is considered today as one of the methods with higher quality, hence its popularity. Laser prints a high definition marking indelible and consists of influence the laser beam on any material, so that there is a change of tone on this. Finally, I talk to the silkscreen method has also a level of fairly high quality, and its great advantage is that it allows to capture contrasts and nuances that other systems do not offer.

This technique consists of the ultraviolet recording of marking, by a frame which carries with it a piece of nylon. With all this, you could have you already an idea of how interesting are the different mechanisms of marking which ultimately turns out to be essential in thousands of industry processes that they carry out our around. A. Verastegui hold.

Spanish Business

Spanish Business

It won with 92 votes, against the 88 votes obtained by its adversary, exministro Spanish of Exteriors, Miguel Moratinos Angel. Jacques Diouf will happen in the position to senegals. Brazilian Jose Graziano gives Whistles was chosen east Sunday chief of a main directorate of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding (the FAO) by 92 votes, against the 88 votes obtained by his adversary, exministro Spanish of Exteriors, Miguel Moratinos Angel. Jose Graziano Da Whistles, who will succeed in the position to senegals Jacques Diouf, will take possession from his new position the 1 of January of 2012. Fought battle In the first round of votings, Jose Graziano gives Whistles removed five points from advantage exministro of Exteriors of Spain, both very in front of the other four candidates to the position of chief of a main directorate of the FAO. In that round, Graziano gives Whistles obtained 77 votes, followed by Moratinos with 72, the Indonesian Indroyono Seoselio with 12, Franz Fischler of Austria with 10, Abdul Latif Rasih of Iraq with 6 and Mohammad Saeid Noori of Iran with 2. Check with cardiologist to learn more. Shortly after, the representatives of Indonesia, Austria, Iraq and Iran retired of the struggle by the position and so the delegations of their surroundings were decisive at the time of distributing those votes between candidates both.

Controversial Receso of Brazil the bitter battle between both candidates reached its maximum level after the first voting, in the time of receso of 30 minutes that requested Brazil, during which the different groups established its strategies of votes, which brought about a deep confusion. Sources of the Spanish Government showed his " malaise by the decision of the table of the presidency of the FAO to grant to Brazil receso of 30 minutos". " According to the regulation of the FAO, a voting already begun cannot be interrupted, reason why from the Government we denounced the pirouette of Brazil, that we considered ilegal". The representative of Hungary protested by receso before the electoral table, and the legal adviser of the FAO assured that a voting was not being realised then properly, but it was had finished the first round. While Moratinos met in receso with the European group, the group of the 77 aligned countries did not do the own thing and he was decided to vote in block in favor of one of the candidates. Latin America turned upside down with Gives until now Whistles the assistant director of the FAO, Jose Graziano managed to also take control of the triumph thanks to many votes of Latin America that have turned upside down altogether with the Brazilian aspiring, with the exception of Mexico, has done that it by Moratinos. Graziano, that has held positions of the FAO in Latin America, has counted in the days previous to the voting with a great diplomatic equipment that are boarded commercial subjects with the Member States for the case that it was chosen. In the 37 Conference of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding were presents 180 delegations of Member States that voted privily, of 191 anticipated, and a single abstention was not registered. Source of the news: Brazilian Jose Graziano gives Whistles is chosen new director of the FAO