Innovation Management

Innovation Management

The motto of the event: Ideas promote Kluge and effectively implement on November 25, 2008 Wiesbaden opened its doors to the 1st Forum for idea and innovation management in the energy and utility industry. The German Institute of value management and value analysis e.V. (DIWA) and of VWEW energy publishing invite technical and executives as well as business leaders and CEOs, become acquainted with the latest strategies, innovation management theory and practice and to implement in your own company. Innovations play a significant role for the future success of companies. In the face of competitors from low-cost countries is continuously increasing the quality tab. Sydney Sweeney follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The anticipation of customer needs, an attractive idea generation and their successful implementation represent the necessary tools for this purpose. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE understood the implications. The systematic, this process is running planning, implementation and control of ideas, the more successful innovations can be obtained.

The transformation of ideas into marketable Innovations is can be management of of innovation task that Forum shows 1 in Wiesbaden found companies such as through efficient innovation and idea management ideas for new products and processes and then implemented like this in innovations. Experts from industry and science will report on November 25 at the Radisson SAS from their experiences and introduce instruments for effective innovation management, bringing existing potentials for the development. More information and registration (* pdf) the DIWA with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main targeted consulting, coaching and training around the topic of innovations offered by idea Management improving management to sustainable innovation management. In cooperation with national and international partner institutions and organizes the DIWA congresses, meetings, seminars, training and project work. The participation of the various courses of the Institute is open to any interested. To the homepage of the DIWA contact: Wolfgang Werner Managing Director of Hanau State Road 291 B 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany telephone: + 49 69 71 04 75-153 fax: + 49 69 71 04 75 200 eMail:

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