Caring for Your Pet

Caring for Your Pet

Today more and more owners of cats and dogs, being able to take care of the exterior of your pets, use a regular grooming. Grooming, in essence, is a hygienic care of animals including brushing teeth, ears, cut nails and a professional haircut, as a simple, hygienic, and exhibition. Specialists engaged in grooming, will give competent advice on caring for wool and leather pet recommend beauty products and professional tools for the daily care of animals. One such highly effective tool, designed by professional Grumer – furminatorom, a device for trimming and grooming dogs and cats. At first glance, may seem as if furminatorom is an ordinary comb, fitted with thick rubber handle.

However, it is not. In contrast to many other combs and brushes, furminatorom possesses a number of advantages: it reduces the molting cats and dogs up to 90% No damage guard hairs; Prevents tangles, gently lifeless undercoat, not damaging the hair, is effective for most longhaired and shorthaired breeds. Furminatorom secret – in an absolutely unique design of a special comb. With its help, and remove dead undercoat four-legged pet, without damaging the guard hairs and skin. Furminatorom ideal for preventing the onset of long-haired breeds, the so-called tangles, because the greater the amount of undercoat comb out, the less likelihood of tangles. In addition, furminatorom evenly distributes the fat component of animal wool combing, giving thus the gloss coat and making it more healthy and soft. Furminatorom perfectly suited for long-haired, and short-haired breeds. Furminatorom – effective and extremely easy to use tool.

In its application should observe a few simple Rules: Wool animal must be clean and dry. For best results, use furminatorom immediately after washing and drying the animal. When using furminatorom necessary place the animal in the area that is available for harvesting, since the process of using this tool is accompanied by removing the large mass of hair. Furminatorom cloves should be placed in the direction of hair growth animal and slowly and gently lead furminatorom during the growth of animal fur. Combing should be performed repeatedly, avoiding excessive blows to the animal's skin and uneven jerks. It is worth adding that for convenience use Furminators available in several sizes: small (4.5 cm), medium (6.8 cm), large (10.16 cm). Furminatorom, saving you time, saves the health of wool and animal skin, improves its appearance. Now you get the opportunity to spend more time with your pet, forgetting the "ubiquitous" wool. Start using furminatorom today and tomorrow you will see how much less it will be on your couch clothing, the floor carpet in the car. Studies confirm that the loss of dead hair from your pet, be reduced by 90%! All the wool will remain on furminatorom and not on the clothes and the couch! With careful use furminatorom will serve you for life, while maintaining their remarkable properties.

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