

Diabetes – is a serious hereditary disease, which in recent years have increasingly arises from the stress and anxiety. Despite the complexity of this disease with diabetes can live, and not different from healthy people. To do this, you just have to keep track of blood sugar and diet, no harm will be screening at the hospital every six months – a year in order to prevent complications. Complications of diabetes. With constantly elevated the level of blood sugar, complications may arise on the heart, kidneys, eyes and feet.

Like I said, to prevent it is necessary to monitor glucose levels and periodic examination. Treatment of diabetes. The most important thing in diabetes is diet. With proper nutrition patient feels healthy glucose levels in normal and risk of complications is reduced to a minimum. Diabetes and sport. Sports diabetics is not prohibited, but there are a few rules.

The most important thing is not to overload the body, heavy exercise is strictly prohibited. The second rule prohibits generally any load at the level of blood glucose above 13 mmol / liter. Diabetes mellitus is 2 types. The first type – insulin dependent, usually occurs in people under 30. In this case, the reason to become what the pancreas does not produce insulin (or allocated in insufficient quantities), which serves as a key glucose to cells. In this case, the patient must take insulin injections vnutremyshechno. The second type occurs in people after 30 years, often in old age. There are already on the contrary, pancreas allocates insulin, sometimes even in excess numbers, but he is not involved in metabolism. Then treatment is a pill, but as the first and the second type of diabetes must follow a diet that excludes a sweet, flour, fat, fried Symptoms of diabetes: thirst, hunger, weakness, rapid weight loss may be blurred vision. If you have manifested these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

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