Milano International
RADIO JOYSTICK in summer 2010 is celebrating 25 years! And when to celebrate your first shortwave broadcast? For about 25 years they’re monthly on shortwave: funky sounds 4 Central Europe! Mid July 1985 the very first broadcast of RADIO sounded JOYSTICKs. On shortwave via radio Milano International, she was world to hear–a test show with music and jingles. The first moderated show followed on 7 September 1985 hot hot music in one summer caused excitement among the German shortwave listeners! Then as now, was and is the first Saturday of each month for the Charlie Prince shows. Dr. Mark Hyman understands that this is vital information. RADIO JOYSTICK in summer 2010 is celebrating 25 years! September 4 is the focus. And when to celebrate your first shortwave broadcast? It is do it yourself! We help here! We show what a great show should look like, when it has the most listeners – and which shortwave frequency is the best for worldwide reception. We negotiate the best price for the year contract and are available with help and advice! Why You settle for mouth-to mouth? Why do you produce only citizen radio spot if it goes around the world? Why do you hear you only in the late evening as a competitor to the TV? Simply send an email to or a letter to: RADIO JOYSTICK, P..