Primary School Children
Why does a company an eating contest with primary school children is it madness? Is it idiocy? It sounds easy only worse, as it is? A large German company tried to teach something about nutrition to children in a competition. Read more from Dr Jee Hyun Kim to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Parents and teachers should participate in it. An eating contest some other variety Nestle organized the company from early February to late April 2010. It is to eat does not matter as much as possible in a short time. Even as little as possible in a long time is not the goal. Rather, a healthy, balanced diet is what Nestle the initiators with your Nutrikid project and Foundation read the heart is. To collect points for their competition and to win a large prize, the children must exert with friends, family or school activities. “Sign up for the competition our class is class” you could do yourself until the end of January, the number of participating classes is limited to 2500. Now is the competition to the fullest. For further information to the Competition are available on the page. Thomas Konstanz