Spanish Business

Spanish Business

It won with 92 votes, against the 88 votes obtained by its adversary, exministro Spanish of Exteriors, Miguel Moratinos Angel. Jacques Diouf will happen in the position to senegals. Brazilian Jose Graziano gives Whistles was chosen east Sunday chief of a main directorate of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding (the FAO) by 92 votes, against the 88 votes obtained by his adversary, exministro Spanish of Exteriors, Miguel Moratinos Angel. Jose Graziano Da Whistles, who will succeed in the position to senegals Jacques Diouf, will take possession from his new position the 1 of January of 2012. Fought battle In the first round of votings, Jose Graziano gives Whistles removed five points from advantage exministro of Exteriors of Spain, both very in front of the other four candidates to the position of chief of a main directorate of the FAO. In that round, Graziano gives Whistles obtained 77 votes, followed by Moratinos with 72, the Indonesian Indroyono Seoselio with 12, Franz Fischler of Austria with 10, Abdul Latif Rasih of Iraq with 6 and Mohammad Saeid Noori of Iran with 2. Check with cardiologist to learn more. Shortly after, the representatives of Indonesia, Austria, Iraq and Iran retired of the struggle by the position and so the delegations of their surroundings were decisive at the time of distributing those votes between candidates both.

Controversial Receso of Brazil the bitter battle between both candidates reached its maximum level after the first voting, in the time of receso of 30 minutes that requested Brazil, during which the different groups established its strategies of votes, which brought about a deep confusion. Sources of the Spanish Government showed his " malaise by the decision of the table of the presidency of the FAO to grant to Brazil receso of 30 minutos". " According to the regulation of the FAO, a voting already begun cannot be interrupted, reason why from the Government we denounced the pirouette of Brazil, that we considered ilegal". The representative of Hungary protested by receso before the electoral table, and the legal adviser of the FAO assured that a voting was not being realised then properly, but it was had finished the first round. While Moratinos met in receso with the European group, the group of the 77 aligned countries did not do the own thing and he was decided to vote in block in favor of one of the candidates. Latin America turned upside down with Gives until now Whistles the assistant director of the FAO, Jose Graziano managed to also take control of the triumph thanks to many votes of Latin America that have turned upside down altogether with the Brazilian aspiring, with the exception of Mexico, has done that it by Moratinos. Graziano, that has held positions of the FAO in Latin America, has counted in the days previous to the voting with a great diplomatic equipment that are boarded commercial subjects with the Member States for the case that it was chosen. In the 37 Conference of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding were presents 180 delegations of Member States that voted privily, of 191 anticipated, and a single abstention was not registered. Source of the news: Brazilian Jose Graziano gives Whistles is chosen new director of the FAO

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