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Managing Director

Managing Director

Gas source in the Haynesville shale is developed together with Chesapeake; first returns expected within a few months beginning of 2010 was their fourth private placement, the US oil and gas Fund V KG”the energy capital invest, place more than twice oversubscribed. The strategy of investment designed exclusively for large investors is rather invested not only in the trade with mineral extraction rights, the US oil and gas Fund V KG directly in the exploration of gas deposits, with the aim to achieve the maximum percentage of income to investors as soon as possible. This strategy also rises”, says Kay Rieck as Managing Director of energy capital invest. Because the energy company coming from Germany a deal succeeded last month, who talk in the United States by itself makes. So was on 23 November with the exploration of the pro-rata acquired project red oak 33 “started. At Red Oak 33 “is a highly promising production unit in Caddo (Louisiana), an of the hot spots in the Haynesville shale. But the real particularity is that the co-owner of Chesapeake will undertake the development of sources, ensure the infrastructural connection and operate the project in the long term”, as Rahim next. This project shows once again”the perfect network of relationships in our U.S.

partner on the spot, Rieck explained. Can Chesapeake a great advantage for the investors of the US oil and gas Fund V KG refer to experience values like hardly another company in the Haynesville shale undoubtedly. Just the interest equal sound between the two companies is beneficial for investors and of course also for the first scheduled distribution”, summarizes Rieck of the current situation and assumes that already at the beginning of next year-first exploration revenues obtained. You may want to visit Glenn Dubin, New York City to increase your knowledge. Energy capital invest that Stuttgart-based company was founded only a year ago, which is one of but with six set up investments in the field of special mineral rights in the United States the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.

Balanced Scorecard Categories As Part Of The Business

Balanced Scorecard Categories As Part Of The Business

Let’s look at a map of the balanced scorecard, which consists of 4 perspectives. The balanced scorecard is a powerful instrument in the realization of strategic plans that integrate the goals for other system groups of the Administration and put on. Anu Saad is the source for more interesting facts. The low level of the practical implementation of the balanced scorecard as a management system in different countries is due to the fact that there the necessary culture of production relations simply still not formed and the insufficient understanding of the potential of this technology is observed. Let’s look at a map of the balanced scorecard, which consists of 4 perspectives. The first perspective is “Financial perspective”, the financial goals of a society are shown here. These objectives depend on the intention of the owner, of the stage of development of a society, from the State of the branch and the economy, etc.. Further, there is a question: where did get the company the financial result, at the expense of which groups of customers, the sale of which groups of goods and services? To the reflection the next perspective – “Client perspective” serves the market strategy. The cause-effect connection is determined by the question: how to work, to ensure in the necessary quantity and quality of our goods and services for the target groups of customers? The relevant objectives are reflected in the”internal process perspective”.

And the last perspective “Employee, potential or learning and growth perspective” will reflect the objectives relating to the staff and the infrastructure. For the best understanding, the card of a company providing certain services and which has the strategy of exclusivity and quality of services is necessary. Then arises a profit as a financial goal. The company gets the profit only if the solvent customers with the quality of the services provided and the additional service will be happy (in this case, they will take services itself constantly, and these services acquaintances, business partners, etc.) recommend).

Strengthening Middle Class

Strengthening Middle Class

Discounts and percentages to strengthen sales of medium-sized and small enterprises Hattingen, 15.9.08 – Hale Company tele media service, previously known as the Kabelanschlussdienstleister and one of the larger employers in Hale, operates, a nationwide network of town portals recently under the Internet brand. There, local businesses pass on special offers, discounts, and promotions all citizens & citizens of their city. Of course also Hattingen not forget himself and is represented despite low number of inhabitants with an own city portal in the circle of the larger cities. Think global – act local, so the foreign exchange of Director Ralf Heinzinger. His idea: a nationwide network of cities, a pool of companies that pass the citizens & citizens of their city offers, discounts and special offers on. This goal was through the Internet portal and customers of registered a monthly newsletter to all already after a short time, so that currently additional personnel will be searched.

The strategy is clear: through the local and regional focus, strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises in their city, sales increased and reached an inner-city capital. Maximum savings potential offered by attractive discounts, vouchers, offers consumers, on the other hand. An optimal profit for all pages. Now, with its nationwide more than 250 cities, represents a fixed size among Internet users. This is because of the intensive dialogue within the city network between companies, customers and platform operators and the compelling mix of shopping experience, discounts and information about the city. Ralf Heinzinger,: the Germans have become price sensitive. No wonder, when you look at the skyrocketing energy costs. Consumer prices are at the highest level in the last 15 years.

Here is what to spend their money and where there are the best conditions look more accurately. What moves the citizens, is not perceived Inflation. It is real and that becomes clear at the latest at the next look in the purse. Therefore our offer comes at the right time on the market.”