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Breathing Techniques

Breathing Techniques

Level 2 – a combination of movements with breathing in a certain order that uses various types of breathing. Third level – the right combination of movements and breathing with the appropriate type of inside job consciousness, which is performed on the basis of certain provisions that are available in each exercise As a result of people not only perform the exercise, and practically insoluble in it, conscious of their wholeness identity and its unity with the world. Thus, in every movement of health qigong involves all three major components of our personality – physical, energetic and spiritual – that increases the efficiency of practices compared with conventional exercise ten times. Carrying out exercises of qigong health, we do not expend energy, but rather accumulate it for our physical, intellectual and spiritual activities through daily practice. And since the amount of energy depends on the duration of our lives, practicing qigong we extend their lives. Studies from China Association Wellness Qigong in 2007-2009. the practitioners of qigong have shown that a daily 30-minute practice is most effective. Classes are 60 minutes or more showed no significant change in the energy status of practitioners.

For comparison, the fat burning effects of normal aerobic exercise classes at any kind of cardio does not occur earlier than 45-50 minutes after the start of classes. In general, qigong for health characterized by sparing regimen is exercise, even in comparison with the practices of yoga, which makes it especially valuable for people in middle and old age. Any of the exercises of qigong as well as yoga asanas polished centuries-old practice of media tradition, so do not be surprised the natural physiology of these movements to within a micron of the ideal biomechanical model of human motor activity. Breathing techniques are an integral part of each exercise, fitness qigong, helps the body build up an additional reserve of energy during practice, allowing us to be impervious to stress, less tired, always radiate cheerfulness and warmth in communication with the outside world. Working with the psyche – as an integral part of the exercises of qigong – teaches us to manage their psycho-emotional condition, to use meditation to fill every day of his life spiritual meaning. There is a myth that qigong master health can only be under the guidance of a master who, day after day will reveal the secrets and nuances practice. This is misleading.

Of course, under the guidance of an experienced instructor very well in all respects. But this is not always possible. But perhaps attend seminars, which are readily available. For example, in September 2010 All China Association of health qigong sent an official delegation, which included seven qigong masters have been trained in several Russian cities. (The report of this event can be found here). But if you arrive at the workshop knowing and having already set a minimum level of practice, you'll get much more benefit than from the ground begin to learn the exercise. In the east, saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher." Catching practice you always find an opportunity to improve their skills or to get answers to vital questions. A wizard, you can search for life and not engage. By and large this is an excuse for insecure people. Regular daily practice of qigong health – your best and most reliable teacher.

Inner Child

Inner Child

Do not know how to play and have fun. Never uznat b, how to relax and manage voltage. Do not know how to appreciate life. We prefer to work in their lives. Take yourself too seriously. Feel guilty over what we do not 'good enough' to force themselves to work harder to be 'Good enough.

" Become workaholics. Do not have our family life with our children. Suspicious of people who enjoy life, have fun and know how to play. Social exclusion, due to fear of contact with other people, afraid that we will find inadequate, abnormal, or inappropriate. How can you nurture your "Inner Child"? You can tell your 'Inner Child', that's OK: Have freedom to make choices for themselves. To be 'selfish' and do things that you want to do. Do not hurry in order to do things that you want to do. Communicate only with people with whom you want to communicate.

Take some people and avoid others. Give and receive love from others. Let someone else worry about you. Savoury fruit of your labor without feeling guilty. Find time to 'play' and 'fun' every day. Do not be so "serious / th, 'tense / oh, and die-hard / th for life. Set limits on how you're going to communicate with others. Not always 'to serve' others. Accept that others 'serve' you. Responsible for their own lives and not let others dictate to you. Be honest with others about your thoughts and feelings. Risk and carry a positive or negative consequences of risk.

The Author

The Author

But between 'want' and 'understand' may lie an abyss, which is not all and not always be overcome. Feeling very own desires often carefully hidden the daily routine of life, or substituted for other people's mind desires or demands of the current situation. Own desire to answer the question 'what do I want? "Contain the emotions have a direction and marked in time – is what distinguishes them from fantasies and dreams of all kinds. Only then will they have the strength necessary component for subsequent implementation. This kind of desires more commonly called 'goals' or 'Motifs'. In order to identify their own desires, you must be very attentive to her, in particular, their feelings, sensations and emotions.

Probably one of the best ways to careful attention to itself is technique of emotional self-awareness – a way to identify and regulate their own emotional reactions (in detail with the techniques of emotional self-awareness can be found free on the author's website). Feeling and understanding of their emotions, augmented spontaneous or directed creative work of imagination with regard to 'what I want? "should automatically lead to the realization that the person wants. Strictly speaking, revealed a certain desire is the key to the process management life (in detail with the concept of life control is available for free on the author's website). This refers to the process followed exercise choice and decision to act in the direction of the desired. The film focuses on the subconscious programming techniques create mental images, visualize, and affirms the installation, which then runs all the processes of management life, which may well occur independently of awareness of these processes by the man himself.

Smoking, Pregnancy and Teeth

Smoking, Pregnancy and Teeth

Alas, quite a large percentage of women before pregnancy had a nicotine addiction. Fortunately, most of them wisely abandoned this habit, once learned, that will be a mother. But when former smokers have come to Dentist, inspection shows that some of the consequences of smoking must be urgently addressed. 1. Smokers have faster and more intense forms dental plaque. This occurs because the temperature in the oral cavity smokers increased.

Raising the temperature leads to an accelerated growth of bacteria on the background of a decrease of protective properties of saliva, this can reduce the number of join salivate. As a result – faster formed first, soft plaque, which also quickly hardens, forming tartar. Often before the pregnancy complaints of patients expressed little, but during the hormonal changes, and lack of oral hygiene mouth, the presence of plaque and tartar gives a strong reaction from the gums in the form of bleeding, growths papilla, gapping the gums to the teeth, bad smell. 2. Reduced resistance to oral tissues to infections (increase the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis). In smokers, usually a chronic vitamin C, because most of the vitamin C supplied with food consumed on the reduction of harmful effects of nicotine and various resins. Lack of this vitamin leads to a reduction in resistance to oral tissues to infection (increased risk of gingivitis and periodontitis).

A pregnant woman smoking in the past necessary to conduct occupational health and preventive procedures. 3. Increased tooth sensitivity and gum disease in smokers. Smokers who use special toothpaste for whitening teeth, can damage the enamel. Because of this, as well as from gum disease hypersensitivity occurs when cleaning teeth, with cold or hot. This is compounded by the usual for pregnant women lack calcium and minerals from the fact that the body produces the missing expectant mother to increase fetal trace elements from their own backup power – bone and teeth. Despite the fact that vitamins and minerals recommended by the obstetricians, have a positive effect, though not always possible to completely solve the problem. When viewed in this case, noticeable white (melovidnye) stains on tooth enamel. Then the dentist appoint activities enrichment of the enamel minerals (fluoride, calcium). If a significant defect of enamel (a cavity), it uses complex PREVENTION + TREATMENT, as a statement of the seal is not enough. As a precaution, on the recommendation dentist, it is advisable to use a special toothpaste instead of the usual for a certain period of time. As medical procedures dentist carries out professional cleaning and hygiene procedures with special equipment. It is desirable to subsequently maintain the result of more benign methods (brush + paste).



What is an overbite? Malocclusion is not only a problem estetitki, but also a violation of your health. Malocclusion, in most cases, leads to an increase in load on the dentition at the time of swallowing food. Such a violation may lead ruzrusheniyu dentition. The fact is that over time people can mark the mobility of teeth (dentition), and accordingly in the future and tooth loss. Malocclusion leads to expose the neck of the tooth, in consequence of which there is space between the teeth. If you do not start treating malocclusion in the early stages, it can lead to gum disease. Another one of the unpleasant consequences of misuse occlusion is a pathology of temporomandibular joint.

Temporomandibular joint is called the mounting position of the lower jaw to the temporal bone. The symptoms of this disorder are severe headaches, pain chewing food, 'snapping' sound when you open your mouth. Of course, that overbite and leads to violations of the aesthetic, which affects the shape of face and smiling person. In some cases, the anomalies bite the man is even embarrassed smile: or too bulging teeth to the jaw or gums, and sometimes the upper lip is slightly raised. Sometimes the patient simply wants to improve the appearance of the dentition, to his smile for him and the other a pleasure (and even if he can boast not just smile, and snow-white smile! …) Bite – a merging of the teeth of both jaws with various movements of the mandible. Dentists bite is also called central occlusion. When such occlusion (occlusion – closure) line that runs between the central incisors of both dentitions, coincides with the line in the middle of the face. Concepts and "bite" and "central occlusion" are virtually identical, that is, bite – the ratio of dentition in their central occlusion.