Certainly the scientific community, until where I know I did not discover a mathematical formula to control the people, therefore when somebody to make something, remembers to it that its reaction has the power to forever change the flow of history not only its, but of somebody, between brandishing one I beat in somebody and to say for who you consider ‘ ‘ I you amo’ ‘ , he has what one meets as the greater to be able that the human being possesss: the free will; the power to change the destination. Finishing this article, I wait that you already are conscientious that she does not matter what you make or leave to make, always, but always exactly, realities will be born of its position, other lives will take diverse routes in result of the effect of its attitudes. If not yet he is convinced the power that has in hands, to modify the route of the history of other people, stops to read this article per one instants and says or to its father or its mother how much he loves them (he looks at that to make this he does not have age), when to find with somebody that you want to assume relationship, and that you know that possesss the same intention, you try to take the initiative, and there you will start to see that she wants you or not, you you have as much importance for the life of those that they surround, that you can use well for delineating a life history healthy of them, or to use the evil to give to a crooked flow to the history of life of the others and later more day or little day to be charged by a supernatural force that is creative and transforming. In short, you are very important to have auto-confidence in high (without exageros), to be able to make of its importance as human being, a determinative factor in its half one. This subject is until subject of the last topic of this article, you from next topic will be apt to start to make the difference its return.