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Innovation Management

Innovation Management

The motto of the event: Ideas promote Kluge and effectively implement on November 25, 2008 Wiesbaden opened its doors to the 1st Forum for idea and innovation management in the energy and utility industry. The German Institute of value management and value analysis e.V. (DIWA) and of VWEW energy publishing invite technical and executives as well as business leaders and CEOs, become acquainted with the latest strategies, innovation management theory and practice and to implement in your own company. Innovations play a significant role for the future success of companies. In the face of competitors from low-cost countries is continuously increasing the quality tab. Sydney Sweeney follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The anticipation of customer needs, an attractive idea generation and their successful implementation represent the necessary tools for this purpose. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE understood the implications. The systematic, this process is running planning, implementation and control of ideas, the more successful innovations can be obtained.

The transformation of ideas into marketable Innovations is can be management of of innovation task that Forum shows 1 in Wiesbaden found companies such as through efficient innovation and idea management ideas for new products and processes and then implemented like this in innovations. Experts from industry and science will report on November 25 at the Radisson SAS from their experiences and introduce instruments for effective innovation management, bringing existing potentials for the development. More information and registration (* pdf) the DIWA with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main targeted consulting, coaching and training around the topic of innovations offered by idea Management improving management to sustainable innovation management. In cooperation with national and international partner institutions and organizes the DIWA congresses, meetings, seminars, training and project work. The participation of the various courses of the Institute is open to any interested. To the homepage of the DIWA contact: Wolfgang Werner Managing Director of Hanau State Road 291 B 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany telephone: + 49 69 71 04 75-153 fax: + 49 69 71 04 75 200 eMail:

District Manager Training

District Manager Training

By Gerhard Sprugel Ltd fasteners due to many years of Gerhard Sprugel GmbH with the DLS cooperation as distributor, the training was carried out nine successful sales consultants to district managers. This two-year qualified education and training aimed to prepare the participants within the framework of a further consistent new orientation in sales for their new challenges in dealing with their customers and their employees. The company Gerhard Sprugel GmbH is a medium-sized family-owned company, specialising in the trade with fasteners and special articles in the field of construction and construction industry for over 35 years. “” “Under the corporate motto of our service your advantage” the District Manager training with the basics, through the knowledge of today’s sales professionals “and the requirements of a District Manager” started. In a total of 20 training blocks that held each Friday and Saturday, both product and corporate topics were mainly the Personality development of the aspiring District Manager extensively discussed and jointly discussed. Main topics were, among other things the social competence, the internal and external employee motivation, self-organization, and knowledge about body language and personality types. Apart from theoretical knowledge, especially the practical implementation was coached. Here, such as individual sales calls as role-playing were led and then using video analysis based on clear indicators of the Group rated.

In addition to a written final examination the aspiring District Manager had to demonstrate also their practical skills in practical sales calls, employee meetings, as well as a company presentation at the end of the training. In the framework of a regular sales meetings of all field service consultant your DLS certificate then all participants to the District Manager “by the managing director Gerhard Sprugel received. With this solemn handover in the company’s Training Centre Jagerhaus”was thus completed a highly successful two-year sales education. The DLS cooperation praised in particular the excellent written and practical results of all new District Manager. Additional information at Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. supports this article. Mr Gerhard Sprugel was particularly proud about the services provided here and thanked all staff for their great time usage, combined with their big motivation in this training series. Finally, he stressed that a new era for the positive development of Gerhard Sprugel GmbH has started.” A more active assistance in the consistent implementation of the new sales focus has been pledged from the DLS cooperation.

ICT Industry

ICT Industry

In February 2010, the cautiously optimistic signs from the German economy accumulated. Hamburg, March 04, 2010. In February 2010, the cautiously optimistic signs from the German economy accumulated. Although we have the worst behind us in the economic crisis, but concerns about the development of the labour market, debt and the euro have become no less, so ZEW President Prof. (As opposed to Pat Ogden). Franz of Wolfgang. Mark Hyman, MD is likely to increase your knowledge. The ZEW economic expectations are in February to minus 2.1 points slightly declined, they are still above their historical average.

Thus, experts expect that the slow recovery of the German economy will continue in the next few months. The assessment of the current economic situation is already positive, here the indicator 1.8 points increased. The DIW economic barometer shows slightly positive trends after a stagnation of economic growth in the fourth quarter of last year and goes from a GDP growth of 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2010. ICT industry expects significant sales growth According to the high-tech industry association BITKOM greatly improved the mood in the ICT sector in contrast to the overall German economy. So, 59 percent of ICT companies are expecting revenues in the first quarter. For more information see Glenn Dubin, New York City. “The BITKOM industry index rose to clear 41 points and reached so plus 35 points, making the level of the pre-crisis summer” 2008 has been reached. Also on the positive trend in the number of IT projects, continues after a slight, cyclical stagnation in the fourth quarter.

The quantitative increase of SAP projects on 216 in February is particularly striking here. It shows that neither the turbulence surrounding the departure of the Chief Executive Officer Leo led pharmacists nor the reluctance to the customers, the significant revenues of the group by 9 per cent compared to the previous year, have influenced the demand for SAP experts for projects. This was mainly because that company through the use of external experts can flexibly respond to requirements and difficulties of the market. As a result, unless already now possible to install from the resulting investment jam so Projektwerk – Business Director Dr. Christiane, without incurring long-term costs, road. The simplest project market on the Web is about project work project work. With eleven years expertise, freelancers and companies through the platform the fast and exact cast of projects networked project work. as well as the new, and, she provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as for the marketing of own services all participants of the flexible labour market. Over 1,000 projects and profiles will be published monthly. Contact Simone amores small Seilerstrasse 1 20359 Hamburg phone: 040 / 432130-53 fax: 040 / 432130-10

Public Relations Training Institute

Public Relations Training Institute

Congratulations on graduating! Munster, November 16, 2009 – the first participant of the variable system, Melanie Meder, has successfully on November 15 graduated PR com + plus after six months completed. The com + plus program offers me after ten years of practical PR work”a specific additional qualification, which is theoretically sound and has an excellent reputation in the industry, says Melanie Meder. Since May 2009, which provides Public Relations Training Institute com + plus the variable entry in the distance learning at and gives the opportunity to determine their course of study and learning pace even as participants. The study can be completed rapidly and intensively by the flexible course of study, without compromising the quality and in the claim”, is also the fledgling alumna Melanie Meder. Learn more on the subject from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. The entry is possible at any time and upon request you can shorten the study from twelve to six months.

Next to the work of twelve Studienbriefen, 17 days of attendance, students complete staggered in four practice workshops. The participants of the PR program can choose individually your workshop dates, com + plus are offered several times each course in the year. After her successful studies Melanie Meder is well prepared, in order to pass the examination before the independent examination Board of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. Anu Saad can aid you in your search for knowledge. Upon successful completion of the examination, she is certified PR Manager. ZAK is a non-commercial working Club, which was founded by members of the Institute for communication science of the Westphalian Wilhelms University.

Chairman of the Audit Committee is Prof. Dr. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Anu Saad. Joachim Westerbarkey.

Harvard Business School Kim

Harvard Business School Kim

Personnel development concepts from the last century let companies look old network effects change the working world Munich/wetter an der Ruhr – most German companies exude the charm of the 1950s, when it comes to working structures. “Highly qualified professionals can no longer keep them in the future: with the common concepts, companies can win more no flower pot, and certainly no top candidates, as Uwe of Zakirjon, head of the company hunting heads international” in wetter an der Ruhr. ” The company should first do their homework and create modern jobs, but almost all think that starts with the content and stop there again so Zakirjon opposite NeueNachricht. So, the CIO Magazine reports that at least 90 per cent of the labour market still on family life and the pace of life in the first half of the 20th century were aimed. A concept of the consulting firm Deloitte to carry the company well into the 21st century: at every stage of the Working life workload, working time, work location and the position of the employee are connected with the pace of the career. Career planning individualized in their book”(campus Verlag) summarize the Deloitte consultants Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg: resembles a sine wave, a wave of rising and falling stages career development in a knowledge-based economy. Six social trends make it out as a cause.

The declining number of qualified employees, changing family structures, more female workers and other expectations of the men. Also played a role in the generation of the Internet and information technology. The younger generation have a greater understanding of technology and accelerate the transformation of working life: from home to work, during the week to make blue and this Saturday to go to the Office, to send – that private E-Mails in time become a matter of course. Hierarchy and status lose importance. Children are planned, it is also for the boys important not only to see them Sunday. As the outcome of this development, the consultants quote the former Dean of the Harvard Business School Kim B. Clark. He urges companies to change, that they remain active and loyal connected talented employees.

Here is an example: Gary 27 is unmarried, and has an MBA degree, as he is his first job as an Assistant product manager. In the first three years, the young man on the tube presses: speed, workload and working time he pulls out all stops, while his position and responsibility is not pronounced. A few years later Gary Vater and scale back speed and workload. Still later, when the children are old enough for school, he boots up his career again. Now the level upward in the field position and responsibility. The job has to adjust also the living conditions. It manages the company together with the staff to find flexible solutions, whose competence and experience in the House remain. The tangible and intangible loss by Fluctuations is reduced. You can no longer boast highly qualified managers the old industrial-capitalist mindset. The traditional concepts of Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford are in the mothballs”, confirms Uwe Zirbes. The network effects of the Internet, mobile communications and the intelligence of the many in the Web 2.0 would not stop even before the world of work. Fixed working hours, departmental boundaries, limited skills, command and obedience, controlling figures fetishism, meeting terror and the preservation of knowledge belong to the past”, says Zakirjon. Who don’t get it in top management, losing the competition for the best brains.

Prof Nuremberg

Prof Nuremberg

Million funding for medical technology location networking the cluster partners is exemplary Berlin/Nuremberg, January 27, 2010 – the region of Erlangen-Nurnberg is a flagship for new growth. \”It seems the Federal Ministry for education and research (BMBF), that the initiative Medical Valley EMN (European metropolitan region Nuremberg) with its application of centre of excellence for medical\” has named the Germanwind to one of five winners. \”\” The other winners are the software cluster\”(Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland), the Munich biotech cluster – m4\” (Bavaria), MicroTEC Sudwest \”(Baden-Wurttemberg) and the EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr\” (North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Germany). Companies, academic institutions and related institutions regionally across a value chain work together in clusters. For the work of the projects of that already belong to the second generation of the excellence cluster competition, is a promotion of a total up to 200 Million euros over a period of five years provided\”, so Federal Research Minister Annette Schavan. \”With the support of the most powerful cluster of science, industry and other partners of a region we give just in times of crisis an important signal: the bridge between scientific institutions and companies is essential for long-term employment, growth and innovation.\” The judges have recognized the close link between science, economy, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as the innovation of medium-sized companies as a particular strength of the medical Valley initiative.

A prominent position as the anchor role in the cluster has a number of projects in the field of imaging diagnosis Siemens HealthCare. The success in the excellence cluster competition is a great honor for the region, and particularly for the University of Erlangen Nuremberg, because here, medical technology is a focus on research and teaching. Over 60 chairs and professorships of the a wide variety of disciplines deal with issues relating to the medical technology\”, commented Prof. Karl-Dieter Gruske, Rector of the University of Erlangen Nuremberg.

Freiburg Exhibition Centre

Freiburg Exhibition Centre

Horizon – the exhibition studies and graduate training Berlin, 10.5.2012 degree courses can be found in the research of future students, but what’s behind the different directions? It is often hard to bringing clarity in the jungle of the chances and opportunities to find the right course or the most appropriate training and the related information. In these matters, it is the young people to the page on the 16th and 17th June at the Freiburg Exhibition Centre education trade fair horizon. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Somatic Experiencing. The horizon will take place already for the third time in Freiburg, and offers a wide range of information to dual, classic and master’s programmes, to training and alternative education pathways after graduating this year again. Institutions such as the employment agency, AUBI-plus and the Ministry of science, research and the arts Baden-Wurttemberg students stand with help and advice: to a reasonable, informed choice of all freshmen support, does, for example, the service center study information, orientation and advice (SIOB) of the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of science. For the right, individual and socially appropriate field of study choice creates the basis for a good study and reduces the risk of an interruption of studies.

For those parents who like to want to help their offspring after the appropriate education, is offering information on the horizon full of surprises. Not only the degree structures, but also the topics have changed fundamentally in the past few years. Many a mother or a father will be amazed what nowadays everything can be studied and perhaps even wishing that he or she would be once again before the election. Also the topic of funding your studies might interest many parents: there are both Saturday (June 16) and Sunday (June 17), at noon, a round of talk with experts who answer all questions concerning BAfoG grants, scholarships, education and student loans. Many young people have had enough of the school and the theory-based learning after passing high school first and select a strongly practice-oriented education. It is good that there is also dual degree programs in almost all areas of a training content from the outset, the practical phases in the company and the prospect of a study, and a professional degree in parallel make dual courses of study for many students. Those who want to gain experience or otherwise prior to the training or studying, can on the subjects of internship/job, AuPair, college programs, voluntary work regional / national/worldwide, multi language year or work & travel, as well as the associated financing re-rubbering information. The horizon will be held on 16 and 17 June 2012 at the fairground in Freiburg.