World Usability Day Saxony
The 2008 World Usability Day Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg. On November 13, the efficiency and satisfaction of each individual in the Center is already for the fourth time. Then the World Usability Day which takes place. This international day of usability has become a signal against the frustration with products. Also Saxony-Anhalt is represented with an extensive program and invites you to workshops, lectures and exchange of experience. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. describes an additional similar source. \”\” \”\” The times have changed: were a few years ago in the professional environment still logs write \”and wash in the private area washing\” the most unpopular tasks, so registration processes on the website are nowadays often \”and setting up the TV\” far above. Products get more and more functionalities, but simplifying the operation is mostly forgotten.
So can even handling a parking machines or finding a specific information on a Web page to the despair of fu? hren. The and especially how there is another way, this is therefore the focus global day of action, which was launched by the International Federation of the usability experts (UPA) in life. Connect with other leaders such as Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE here. In the last year alone, u took? part about 40,000 people in 35 countries and u? ber 175 cities worldwide. Saxony-Anhalt is this day since 2005 by the Agency SCHROEDER + Wallace initiated. Geschaftsfu? hrer Matthias C. Schroeder describes his motivation for this: it is not acceptable, that we win more workload by technical devices in our lives, but we too often become the absolute hostage of technology in contrast. \”For example if we in the selection of one of the 25 programmes of our washing machine something\” u? berfordert are.
\”Mu products and Web pages? must be easy fun and should not Hassgefu? hle produce.\” Together with three other agencies and a designer, Matthias C. Schroeder made a versatile program again this year. A workshop on the topic of product design with Thomas Koller toolboxx is the prelude of the Agency.